Sunday, September 25, 2011

GIS Lab 4 pt.2

Data Formats Qs & As
  •  Learn the data formats in ArcGIS & understand how each spatial file is constructed.  
1. What type of vector dataset is each one? -The type of  dataset that the caves converts to is a Point which is 0-dimensional, secondly the Mable/land is used as a 2-dimensional Polygon dataset, and lastly the Line dataset is mostly known for streams and roads which are 1-dimensional.
2. Which of these are used to save each other of the 3 datasets? -Well, all 3 datasets caves, mable, and streams are saved on the Shapefile format.
3. All six extensions files that caves, streams, and marble datasets have are DBF file, PRJ file, SHP file, SHX file, SBN file, and LOCK file.
4.  What information is given from the .prj files? -
5. Define what each type of the following files are: .shp- shape format, .prj- projection format, .shx- shape index format, .dbf- attribute format, and .sbn- spatial index format.
6. The type of data do you suppose that the .dbf file contains? -
7.What happens when Mineral King geodatabase in ArcCatalog? -When I opened the MK geodatabase, it showed me over 10 datasets that contained Vegetation, Geology, Hydrology, Infrastructure, Karst, Boundaries feature classes. Others were raster datasets like, aspect, derm, DRG_24K, hillshade and slope.
8. What program is prompted to open as you tried opening the gbd (geodatabase) from here? -

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