Monday, September 19, 2011

GIS Lab 4 pt.1

1. One exported map with all three datasets projected. The given datasets were Caves (dots), Streams (lines), and Mable/land (polygons). The purpose was to aligned all datasets correctly with the proper projections, datums, and geographic coordinate systems. At first caves and land/polygon had the same projection, the Transverse Mercator while the streams were in the Lambert Conformal Conic prj. that was the reason why streams didn't show in the ArcMap at first. Secondly, caves and streams are in the coordinates and datum of GCS North America 1983 while mable/land was in datum and GCS North America 1927. If the datum and coordinate was not changed in the mable/land, then the datasets wouldn't have been aligned correctly. So then the with proper coordinations of GCS NA 1983 and projections of Transverse Mercator the 3 datasets on the map (top) are aligned properly. 

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